
Retrospective h-index - A simple R function

The inspiration behind this post comes from an ongoing `citation analysis’ side project, where I wanted to calculate h-index of a …

A re-visit to the famous Jeff Leek commentary

In 2013, I came across this famous blog post by Jeff Leek. Little did I know that I would revisit this post 9 years down the lane. As …

Yearender: Looking back at 2021

Every year a set of memes is circulated widely on social media, the 2022 version of which goes along the lines of: My goal for 2022 is …

Year-end reflection: My 2020 highlights

The last day of 2020 is finally here. To bring this decade to a close, I thought I would take a moment to share some of the highlights …

A paper that changed my life - The Bayesian LASSO

As tough as this year has been, it goes without saying that 2020 is a particularly good year to be thankful for science, which happens …

Student paper awards and travel grants - A resource for data science graduate students and postdocs

This post is motivated by the growing list of awesome public repositories that curate a list of resources dedicated to a specific topic …

Celebrating milestones as a scientist

As scientists, we rarely celebrate milestones be it a certain number of citations we have received or a certain number of impactful …

Early-career setback - A throwback to my first paper

This 15th August marked 7 years since I submitted my first paper (first-authored research article). Coincidentally, it also completed …

A reflection on my first guest editorial experience

Recently, I had a chance to wrap up a special issue at the journal Frontiers in Genetics. This is my first-hand experience as a lead …

Automatically update citation metrics in your CV with a bare minimum script - Part II

Following my previous post (Part I), I received a few requests from my fellow mathematical and physical scientist colleagues who …