Automatically update citation metrics in your CV with a bare minimum script - Part II

Following my previous post (Part I), I received a few requests from my fellow mathematical and physical scientist colleagues who prepare their CVs and resumes in the popular typesetting system LaTeX. In this post, I will go over the steps required to automatically import Google Scholar citation metrics in a LaTeX document without any hassle or compromise. Motivation Similar to Part I, here are just a few things I would like to maintain:

Automatically update citation metrics in your CV with a bare minimum script - Part I

The inspiration behind this post comes from my non-computational scientist colleagues who simply wanted to import Google Scholar citation metrics in their CVs and resumes with as little overhead as possible. After a few quick searches, several solutions popped up that used either Markdown or LaTeX. While I appreciate these more sophisticated maneuvers, they did not serve any useful purpose for my specific motivation as described below. Motivation There are just a few things my scientist colleagues wanted to achieve: